October 14th Zodiac (Libra) Horoscope (2024)

October 15 ZodiacOctober 13 Zodiac

Date: October 14th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Color: Chestnut
In One Word: Rest
Shape: Circle
Strength: Responsible
Weakness: Unable to Relax
Most Compatible With: Leo

October 14th carries the energy of finished business when everything needs to be rounded up in order for us to move on. This is where ambition kicks in at its peak, a place where we fight to get things done, to reach our goals and our destination, and fulfill our destiny with our debts repaid. People born at this time are to learn not to take anyone else's responsibility on their own shoulders, so they can wear their abilities as a crown to show to the world, shining a light on how things get done in time.

October 14th Horoscope


The fantastic exaltation of Saturn when the Sun reaches this point in Libra may get quenched in those born on October 14th due to their planetary row and the influence of Sun's fall. Burned by fires on both sides, Saturn has a task to overcome all issues with ego and give solid structure in one's deep, unconscious world. It is important here to bring balance to pain, sadness, anger, and all dismissed emotions and issues in life, so that shadows don’t take over and circ*mstances may bring these individuals peace. They are to remember that they are allowed to feel whatever it is they are feeling, so they can truly return responsibility to those who have done them harm and take the wheel for their life into their own hands.

Love and Emotions

It is not instantly obvious that individuals born on October 14th have their love life in zenith, even with their Sun in Libra defining their center of gravity. They can be strict and a bit cold towards others, and sometimes have a hard time connecting on a purely intimate level. While this may be induced by a fear of intimacy, it is also a need to hold on to healthy boundaries and not burden others, or let others burden them, with deep and disturbing issues. What they need to understand is that the level of connection between them and someone else is defined by deep understanding of difficult issues.

Instead of feeling inadequate for their rigid approach to life, they are to accept that they are the ones creating the system they wish to live in, no matter the outer systems they belong to. Theirs is the path of recognition of self-love, so they can receive the tenderness they wish for from their partner too. What they seek on the outside is always first found within, and they need someone who will respect their boundaries while being open enough to share their intimate secrets and painful issues with faith in the strength of the bond.


The purpose in lives of people born on the 14th of October is balance itself. They will see the reflecting patterns of their own doings through relationships they create, and their partner will typically show the extreme they are currently in by annoying them from the seemingly opposing side. They are to find love that lasts, love for themselves, for leisure and nurturing activities where they can care for themselves on the deepest level of satisfaction. It is easier for a Libra to put on a face for the world than to truly enjoy their emotional core, and once they reach their inner point of satisfaction with Self, they won’t be affected by other people, their envy or limitations.

What They Excel In

A Libra born on the 14th of October excels in all career paths that require time and dedication. They are organizers and planners, those who have high positions to look up to, and set up standards for areas of history, calculus, deep research, explorations, architecture, and everything that needs to be built from scratch. They work well within a team for as long as their emotional world isn’t too burdened by taking responsibility of others on their own shoulders.

October 14th Birthday Gift

With their interest in deep and structured matters, a Libra born on October 14th can always use a book to read, or something practical for their work and their everyday approach to life. However, their purpose is found in Venus, and it is good to get out of their regular pattern and get them something in touch with art, inspirational and by the feel of their inner personality. They truly need something to remind them of the quality of their relationships, the freedom they may feel when around you, and something beautiful to help them beautify and nurture their sensitive side. A day at a spa center might be a good idea, just as much as something to help them endure in their current struggles.

Positive Traits for October 14th Born

Organized and willing to belong, they will do anything to set up a clear foundation at work, in relationships, and with anything they want out of life. They are responsible and pillars of support for everyone they care for.

Negative Traits for October 14th Born

Criticism, towards self and others, could make life extremely difficult for them, as they take on responsibility for things that others are meant to do and forget that they are really in control over their own life.

Healing Crystal

A powerful crystal to clear the path before those born on October 14th is arfvedsonite. Strong for spiritual growth, it helps one find the right way to manifest their visions and bring their ideas into the real world. It is a stone that shows how to restructure and reorganize life, so that one can be fully functional and in tune with goals they feel the need to achieve in time. This is also a good crystal to help with depression, dark thoughts, as it brings light and hope into the world of those who have been stuck behind too many walls.

Sabian Symbol

The Sabian symbol for Libra representatives born on October 14th in every year:

"A Sunday Crowd Enjoying the Beach"

Their symbol points out the importance of rest and socializing in their life, where emotions are freely shared, and joy finds its regular beat on Sundays. Balance that is to be found at this time is one of work and play, of tough responsibilities and ambition, with time to laugh and have some fun. The emphasis here is on regular rest, where contact with people is found, so that their fences can wear down from time to time and allow childish, happy energies to flow just as much as their goals and seriousness do. They could go through extremes of one over another, until they find a way to incorporate both into their daily existence.

Famous Birthdays on 14th of October

  • In 1914 Raymond Davis Jr. was born, an American chemist and physicist who won the Nobel Prize for the first experiment to detect neutrinos emitted from the Sun. He and his wife built a 21-foot wooden sailboat.
  • In 1927 Roger Moore was born, an English actor and producer, best known as one of the actors in the James Bond movie series. Due to his services to charity, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II and appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. Known for his turbulent love life, he got married four times.
  • In 1978 Usher Raymond II was born, an American singer, dancer, songwriter and actor, one of the best-selling music artists of all time that rose to fame in late 1990s. His family moved to a bigger city only to support his talent for singing.

Important Historical Events on 14th of October

  • 1888 - The oldest surviving motion picture is filmed by Louis Le Prince (born on August 28th).
  • 1912 – Theodore Roosevelt (born on October 27th) is shot and mildly wounded in the chest. He delivers his scheduled speech with the bullet still within the wound.
  • 1926 – Winnie-the-Pooh is first published.
  • 1947 – The speed of sound is exceeded for the first time by Chuck Yeager (born on February 13th).
  • 1964 – The Nobel Prize is received by Martin Luther King Jr. (born on January 15th) for combating racial inequality through nonviolence.
  • 1968 – American astronauts in orbit are broadcasted live on television for the first time.

October 15 ZodiacOctober 13 Zodiac

October Zodiac Index


October 14th Zodiac (Libra) Horoscope (1)

Iva Vucinic is a highly regarded professional astrologer and psychologist. With extensive experience in both fields, she has become a trusted voice in the astrology community. Her insightful writings on astrology have been featured in major media outlets such as Yahoo, Daily Mail, Cosmopolitan, BuzzFeed, and NBC.

October 14th Zodiac (Libra) Horoscope (2)

Additional Information

Libra - traits, personality, dates, characteristics and astrological sign information.

Libra Man - information and insights on the Libra man.

Libra Woman - information and insights on the Libra woman.

Libra Compatibility - the compatibility of Libra with the other astrological signs in love, sex, relationships and life.

Libra History - the history of Libra and the stories behind it.

Libra Symbol - images and interpretations of the Libra symbol and ruler.

Zodiac Calendar - Discover what your date of birth tells about your character, motivation and purpose in life.

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October 14th Zodiac (Libra) Horoscope (2024)


What kind of Libra is October 14th? ›

Libras born on October 14 are intelligent, diplomatic, and concerned with their image. They have a flair for expressing themselves and are masters of communication. October 14 natives can appear lighthearted, yet they are serious at their core. They display a warm personality.

What will make a Libra happy? ›

Take your Libra on a beauty-filled adventure to the Redwoods, the beach, to an art museum, etc. Bring your Libra flowers, or prepare a lovely meal for them. You should also be aware that because Libras love beauty, they also love looking their best.

What is Libras secret? ›

TOI Astrology / Aug 28, 2024, 15:00 IST. Libra, the seventh zodiac sign, is known for its social grace and diplomacy. However, it also embodies deep idealism, hidden emotional complexity, and quiet resilience. Libras have a strong need for balance, an appreciation for beauty, and diplomatic sensitivity.

What is Libra luckiest day? ›

Libras are especially lucky on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. The time slot of 6:00 to 7:00 (either AM or PM) is also lucky for them. Pink, green, blue, and white are the luckiest colors for a Libra.

What is special about 14 October? ›

October 14th is the 287th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day then U.S. President Ronald Reagan declared the War on Drugs; the children's book, Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne, was first published, and the Norman conquest of England began with the Battle of Hastings.

Who is Libras soulmate? ›

Things You Should Know. Libras' most compatible soulmates are air signs Gemini and Aquarius. Fire signs Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries are also some of the best matches for Libra. Libras can also be a great match for other Libras, cultivating a relationship full of romance, affection, and support.

What is Libras dark power? ›

Libra loves peace and beauty and for their own need to be in a perfectly balanced state, they detest confrontations. But if confrontations were to happen, their dark sides would come out. They can be extremely manipulative in tipping the scales in their favour.

What do Libras struggle with? ›

Libras have a hard time making decisions quickly. They like to think about all the options, which can make them take a long time to choose. Sometimes, they might even avoid making a decision altogether because they're worried about making the wrong choice. Libras really hate arguments and fights.

What is a Libras biggest weakness? ›

Libra's biggest weaknesses include trying too hard to avoid conflict and please people. Their peacekeeping efforts can lead to self-neglect. Libra is also highly indecisive. Their desire for balance makes them weigh every side of an issue, and they may doubt themself because of their fragile ego.

What is Libras favorite food? ›

Librans function best with a high-protein diet that is low in fat, sugar and acid-producing foods. You should eat lots of broiled fish, seafood, and poultry (not too much beef or pork), low-fat cheeses, yogurt, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, salad greens, and wholegrain breads.

Who attracts Libra? ›

If Libra is looking for someone to be in constant contact with, Gemini is the sign to be with! But Gemini and Libra will need to work on any potential commitment issues since Libra can be indecisive and Gemini can be fickle. Fire signs will rev up the passion! Opposites attract when Libra gets together with Aries.

What is a Libras favorite color? ›

Libra Zodiac Sign Lucky Colors

Blue, Jade green, Pink, and White are Libra's lucky zodiac sign colors. Ruled by Venus, the Libra natives feel like a home having these colors around. They like the calming effect of pale hues and feel happy with its natural vibes.

What is the personality of someone born on October 14th? ›

Those born on October 14 like to do things at their own pace, are steady and composed, and do not like to be in a rush. Others often come to them to bounce their wild ideas off before making a move, and can trust them to bring them back to reality if necessary.

What are the three types of Libras? ›

There's three subsets of Libras with Libra Mercury: there's Libras who have Mercury as morning star, Libras who have Mercury as evening star, and Libras who have Mercury combust.

Is October 14 a Libra Scorpio cusp? ›

If you were born on the Libra-Scorpio Cusp, from October 19 to October 26, you are one determined drama queen who can pull people in and spit them out just as fast! You were born on the Cusp of Drama and Criticism, and you have quite the flare for both.

Why are October Libras different? ›

October Libras Are More Logic-Driven

But because most October Libras are born in the sign's second or third decan (which are co-ruled by either innovative planet Uranus or intellectual planet Mercury), they have a tendency to have a more logical and objective approach to life.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.