Before there was Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Here's what you need to know about the movie (2024)

Songwriter Lin-Manuel Miranda'sfirst Broadway show is finally making it to the big screen.

In the Heights, which won the Tony Award for Best Musical when it debuted in 2008, was Miranda's big hit before he wrote Hamilton.

Itis praised for its upbeat songs, moving story and diverse characters that reflect the lives of Latin American people without using harmful stereotypes.

The movie adaptation of In the Heights will be released in Australian cinemas on Thursday, June 24, with some theatres showing advancescreenings.

So before you brush up on your Español (Spanish), here's your spoiler-free guide to the film.

What is In the Heights about?

In the Heights is about the people struggling to make a living in the working-class Latinxbarrio(neighbourhood) of Washington Heights in New York City.

There's Usnavi, whoowns a run-downbodega(store) and employshis self-assured younger cousin Sonny.

Usnavi is in love with Vanessa but shedesperately wants to move out of the neighbourhood.

Before there was Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Here's what you need to know about the movie (1)

Usnavi also looks out for hisAbuela(grandmother) — she's not actually his grandmother but the matriarch who raised the childrenin the area.

His best friend Benny works at the local car service company and dreams of being a successful businessman.

The company is owned by Mr Rosario, who does everything he can to keep his daughter Nina studying at the prestigious Stanford University.

Things start to change whensomeone wins $96,000 in the lottery.

Is Lin-Manuel Miranda in the movie?

Yes. While Lin-Manuel Miranda played Usnavi in the Broadway show, he appears in the movie as the Piragua man (piragua is a Puerto Rican dessert of shaved ice with sugar syrup).

Before there was Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Here's what you need to know about the movie (2)

In the movie, Usnavi is played by Anthony Ramos, who Hamilton fans will recognise from his split roles as John Laurence and Philip Hamilton.

Ramos has also played Usnavi in a stage production of In the Heights.

Christopher Jackson, who was George Washington in the original Hamilton cast and Benny in the Heights' Broadway run, also makes a brief cameo asPiragua man's rival MisterSoftee.

Who else is in the movie?

Stephanie Beatriz, best known for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, plays a very different character to her tough cop persona Rosa as thelocal hairdresser Carla.

Before there was Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Here's what you need to know about the movie (3)

Olga Merediz reprises in her role as Abuela Claudia, for which she was nominated for a Tony Award.

Jimmy Smits, from NYPD Blue and Star Wars, stars asKevin Rosario, and The Walking Dead actorCorey Hawkins has one of theleading rolesas Benny.

Daphne Rubin-Vega, who was Mimi in the musical Rent's original Broadway run, plays beauty salon ownerDaniela alongside Orange Is the New Black actressDascha Polanco, as Cuca.

Latin Grammy nominee Leslie Grace makes her global film debut as Nina, as doesup-and-coming Mexican actressMelissa Barrera as Vanessa.

The film was directed by Jon M Chu, who also directed the book-to-film adaption Crazy Rich Asians.

Before there was Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Here's what you need to know about the movie (4)

Is the movie different to the musical?

The film adaptation of In the Heights has several changes that addto characters' storiesand reflectcontemporaryproblems.

It addresses the politicalreality many immigrant-strong neighbourhoods face with references to the undocumented peopleknown as Dreamersbeing kicked out.

The characters also experience microaggressions — racial discrimination that manifests in everyday interactions.

Carla and Daniela have also been changed so they are both business and life partners.

Beatriz, who plays Carla and is queer, said it wasgratifying to see the relationship be part of the fabric of the community in the film.

"So much of this film is about where home is and who home is to you," Beatriz said.

"For Carla, Daniela is home.

"It's just a happy, functioning relationship that happens to be gay."

Before there was Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Here's what you need to know about the movie (5)

Miranda told entertainment magazine Variety that characters and songs had to be trimmed to fit the movie's two hours and 23 minute run time.

A line that has not aged well since the musical debuted on Broadway in 2008 has also been changed.

Here's the original lyric from the song 96,000 when Benny sings about what he'd do if he won the lottery:

"I'll be a businessman richer than Nina's daddy. Donald Trump and I on the links, and he's my caddy".

In the movie, the lyric is changed from Donald Trump to Tiger Woods.

I saw Hamilton first, will I like In the Heights?

In the Heights showcases Miranda's signature rap-style Broadway songwriting, so if that's what you liked about Hamilton, there's a good chance you'll like this too.

Its songs areupbeat, catchy and mix English and Spanish lyrics in a way that's authentic to the community it speaks about.

And if you need a reason to see, the best one comes from director Chu, whohasdescribed the film as a "vaccine for your soul".

Reviews of the movie overwhelmingly praise the adaptation.

In the Heights wasreleased on HBO Max at the same time as the cinema release in the United States on June 11, however that streaming service is not available in Australia.

If you want a sneak peek, the original Broadway soundtrack is available on music streaming services.

Or you can watch the original Broadway cast's performance at the 2008 Tony Awards when Lin-Manuel Miranda starred in the lead role long before he was Hamilton.

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Before there was Hamilton, there was In the Heights. Here's what you need to know about the movie (2024)
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